Azam/Impian/Cita2 or pape r yg korg nk pggl...=)


InsyaAllah, hari ni aku nk share lgi bnde aku blaja tntg hdup kter nih...Seumur hidup, x sgke plak aku akn berminat nk menulis nih...+_+???...mmg r berangan nk jd penulis, tapi novel cinta r...[huahuahua..cliche btol impian] 

Mungkin satu hari nnt ttp akn tulis novel cinta, tapi cinta Islam kowt ek...korg2 doakan r salah satu impian aku....*_*

What triggers me to write this adalah from last usrah yg aku g...mggu lepas punye usrah..mse usrah tuh, akak tu tnjuk vid pasl seorg ikhwah kt indon...

Wahhhhh [*_*(mate bling2)]

Ikhwah tuh punye achievement..MasyaAllah...hebat+dahsyat sangat..=) Hebat sungguh...Mengagumkan...Best student kt uni+sekolah, fly oversea, best debater r + byk r lagi...N rahsia kehebatan+kedahsyatan achievement die nih ialah.......


Bajet suspense plak...=_='

"Tulis Besar2 Senarai Impian/Azam/Cita2 @ Pape Korg and Simpan + Tgok Hari2"

Aku tau, msti korg cm boring je kn dgr petua nih sbb biase sgt...But believe me, it works...Mse aku tgok vid tuh n tau rahsia nih, monolog dlmn aku adalah...

"Owh, mse motivation program pown kne wt nih..aku pown wt gak...x jd ape pown"
[okey korg2, nih perangai org 'kufur nikmat' yer, x sedar2]

Sebenarnye, byk je ek impian aku yg aku dh bley pangkah dh...Aku je yg x perasan...sbb aku mmg buat senarai impian2 tuh, tapi aku x tgok, aku x tau ape jd kt impian tuh...worse, siap bley lpe plak...huahuahua..=_='...frust ngn diri sendiri, 'kay...

Berbeza ngn ikhwah yg aku ngh story nih, impian2 die [ske ati yer nk buat byk mne impian2 tuh, cm ikhwah nih+aku, 100 impian] die tulis atas kertas pastu die tmpl kt dinding blik die...Biase r, bebudak x matang lagi kn, ofkos r die kne gelak habes ngn kengkawn die...tapi die cool je...die cakap,

"Troskan kalian ketawa, kerana aku yakin impian itu pasti jadi milikku..."
[cool x???dpt husband cmni sorg...fuhhhh,untung badan 0_0]

Aku pown ape lagi, bagai ditusuk sembilu hati nih...terasa den...sbb aku pown bler tgok senarai impian2 aku tuh pown rse nk ridiculous..But, thanks Allah yg bg aku peluang sedar diri melalui usrah yg lead to vid ikhwah nih...So, korg2 yg nk change their lives, why don't kter buat bnd nih...

Nak tau x nape pnting tulis??? Sbb mmg fitrah manusia..Kter nih pelupa..Kalu x tulis, x igt...
Satu lagi, bler ko tulis, ko berfokus cket..Ko bley prioritize pe impian yg urgent, pe yg x urgent, pe yg perlukan consistent effort dan sebagainye...Lagi satu n paling penting, bler ko nampak ape ko nak, baru r ko ad willpower yg sgt enormous utk ko bergerak...

Aku bg cntoh seng r ek..Knp Allah bg Al-Quran kt kter?Mmg r Rasulullah wafat, tp kn ad alim ulama' dan sebginye nk smpikn Islam...Asal nk buku2 plak cm Al-Quran tuh??? 

Sbb, manusia nih mmg fitrahnye begitu...Selagi x nmpak+x de bukti, x nk pecaye...So, Allah bg Al-Quran, kter bley nmpak ajaibnye Al-Quran tuh, indahnye susun kate die,satu2nye di dunia, bukti ianya daripada Allah and bley bkak hari2..Btol x? 

Sbb tu r pentingnye kter zahirkan impian2 kter melalui penulisan...Tulis besar2, kalu rjin bubuh gmbr2 impian yg ko nak pastu tmpl kt dinding bilik/bilik air/pape tmpt yg ko akn tgok hari2...Cm aku ckap, bler kter sntiasa di'remind' dgn impian2 kter, secare 'auto'nye [x men r manual2] ko akan dpt strength+initiative to strive for your aims...And everyday you look at it, your determination to achieve it will also be boosted and increased...So, lme2 ko pasti akn achieve impian tuh satu persatu...Mase tuh adlh moment.....

Satu lg, bler ko tgok hari2 and dari sehari ke sehari makin byk impian yg ko bley potong cmni ofkos r ko makin semangat nk kejar yg len2...btol x??? By writing your aims, you are actually planning...Remember, the reason why Muslims skrg ditindas adlh our "FAILURE TO PLAN". So Muslims, why don't we start planning NOW???

Kalu nk bg cth based on aku sendiri, aku ad impian nk blaja berenang since kecik2, tadika, tapi ofkos r aku bru je msukkn dlm list impian aku, tahun 2009 sbb mse kt semashur dlu cm x de harpn nk achieve dream nih...Mmg aku akui, nk grab this dream nih susah sgt2...smpi aku lemas2...tapi aku x give up sbb aku yakin, doa aku Allah x bg mksudnye aku punye usaha x ckup hebat...So, aku sntiase cari peluang blaja...Last2, tahun nih, 2012, hanye ngn simple instruction from kwn aku, tros aku reti berenang...Alhamdulillah...tanggal 9/2/2012, aku dh reti BERENANG!!! 

Nampak x korg, the power of writing your dreams, makes you remember and never stop trying to achieve the dreams...It drives you towards your goals...So friends, take your pen/anything and start listing your dreams...Together we achieve our DREAMS!!

Lastly, mestilah kene igt....

"Kite hanya merancang, Allah yg tentukan nk bg ke x nk...So, last step...Doa...Doa...Doa..."

Byk dh aku berleter kt cni...So, korg yg bace, terima kasih...Fikir2knlah sharing aku kali nih...=)
Sahabat2, impian terbesar aku skrg nk antar nenek aku naik haji secepat mungkin[aim:2 years]...Doakn saye yer...InsyaALLAH..If Allah wills...Jazakumullah...Illal Liqa'...


Qamarul Iqmal said...

mantap :)

there.she.goes said...

best sgt bile dpt buh garis kat kte punya impian tuh!
addin, jom swimming sesame! :D
thanks for the sharing!

The Chronicles of 0408 said...

InsyaAllah...nnt kter wt reunion girls je g swimming ek..=)

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